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Large Quad Spanner 19 x 21 x 22 x 24 mm
Large Quad Spanner 19 x 21 x 22 x 24 mm
Price ex VAT: £34.60 Each

Another of Flints best sellers brought in from Japan.

We sell thousands of these spanners, making them probably the most popular tool found backstage.

This reversible ratchet spanner fits M12. M14, M16 and Scaff, covering all the sizes normally found on stage.

The usual superb Japanese tool quality ensures reliable long life, especially with its stainless steel body.

  • The most popular backstage spanner!
  • Just one tool covers virtually every task.
  • Reliable quality for a lifetime of use.
  • Drilled for a lanyard.
  • Can be attached to a belt by means of the Caritool.
  • **PLEASE NOTE: Lanyard not included.**


    Sizes: 19, 21, 22 and 24mm.
    Fits: M12, M14, M16 & Scaffolding.

    Also available in the standard size, fitting: M8, M10, M12 & Scaffolding.