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Weave Filler and Texture 1047

Weave Filler and Texture 1047 is highly elastic, opaque and suitable for applying thick three-dimensional decoration to all kinds of textiles. 1047 SE is the flame retardant version.

Its elasticity is not affected even by freezing temperatures.

Custom colours can easily be made by mixing in, or overpainting with Rosco Supersaturated Paints.

The texture can be applied in a variety of ways including by syringe or pastry cook’s decorator bag, otherwise a gloved hand or trowel can be used.

Weave Filler 1047 1kg
Price ex VAT: £27.75 1 kg
Weave Filler 1047 5kg
Price ex VAT: £71.00 5 kg
Weave Filler 1047 SE 10kg -Fire Proof Version
Price ex VAT: £265.30 10 kg