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Doughty Heavy Duty Pulleys for Fibre Ropes

These heavy duty pulleys have been completely redesigned.

The sheaves are constructed of MOS 2 Nylon with ball races for smooth friction free operation. The side plates are 5 mm thick steel to provide an immensely strong construction.

The design has been tested to a stringent 10:1 ratio. As standard, the blocks are made up from single, double and triple sheaves with the quadruple being assembled from two doubles. Five way blocks are made from a triple and a double.

Should you require your sheaves to operate in reverse directions please phone us and we will advise on a way of achieving your objective.

Doughty's recommended sheave sizes:
12 mm fibre rope =100 mm diameter sheave.
18 mm fibre rope = 150 mm diameter sheave.
18 mm fibre rope = 200 mm diameter sheave.
[However ABTT stipulate diameters not less than 8 x for fibre rope].

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