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Nylon Sheaves With Bearings

Nylon with Molybdenum Disulphide

These excellent nylon sheaves are designed for 5 and 6 mm wire ropes.
Nylon has better impact and corrosion resistance and are much lighter than cast iron sheaves.
Excellent value.
Fitted with bearings with side shields for free running.
Widely used for the construction of stage machinery such as lift units etc.
All the wire grooves are the nominal wire Ø plus 5%.
The groove angle is 50°.
Maximum permissible fleet angle 5°

We have utilised large 20 mm bore bearings in the heavy duty 230 mm sheaves so that they can be used in multiple groups on strong, large diameter, axles.

Type FHS068 and FHS069 are actually the same item as FHS070 but they can be used on smaller diameter axles by using the supplied top hat reducers. When using the reducers the width of the sheave will increase by 6 mm.